Friday, August 6, 2010

How to stop the strong smells from a rabbit's cage?

See I have a tray so it will be easier to clean out,,,,but the smell is so strong i need something to cover up the smell i tried air fresher and litter already don't work....How to stop the strong smells from a rabbit's cage?
Baking soda, good old *Arm and Hammer* does wonders on the awfullest odors in the world. It will knock the odor down to where you can get the tray outside and do a Though job of cleaning. You will have to get some kind of deodorant liquid from your pet store. There are kinds that deal with urine odor and I think they are worth their weight in gold. You could ask the people at the store to help you select the best one for your animals and your problem.How to stop the strong smells from a rabbit's cage?
I've had great success with using Feline Pine (non-clumping) ... it's compressed sawdust pellets that seem to neutralize the ammonia (which gives rabbit pee its strong odor) almost instantly. We use that in addition to yesterday's news (or freshworld bedding) for comfort. Our rabbits are also litter box trained, and their boxes get changed roughly every other day. It works quite well and litter training rabbits is quite easy. Just use treats to lure them in, leave hay in the corner of the box (they love to eat and poo at the same time!) and you can also put some of their soiled litter in the box so they associate the box with a potty. Liners can also be helpful to absorb the pee.
You need a good litter. Wood shavings do not absorb odour or liquid very well. Clay and clumping cat litters are unsafe for rabbits, if they ingest any they can get a blockage and the dust can cause respiratory issues. The best litters are wood pellets (horse bedding or wood stove pellets), paper pellets (like Yesterday's News), or other paper based litters. These absorb odour and liquid and are safe for rabbits. You will need to change it at least every other day. I scrub the litter box each time I change the litter. White vinegar can help with stains and some odours.

Clean the cage, walls and floor near the cage. Some rabbits spray and that can be the source the of odour. White vinegar can work, but there are also cleaners make for pet stains.

Clean your rabbits scent glands. These are located on both sides of the gentiles. A Q-tip with a bit on vegetable oil will work.

Get the rabbit spayed or neutered. Intact rabbits can have more odour than fixed ones. Neutered rabbits are also less likely to spray urine or use poop to mark territory.

Do not use air fresheners. They can cause respiratory problems. The rabbit has to be in the room with a smell it probably hates all day. You can get away from the smell and get fresh air if you want to.
I suggest using vinegar to clean out the tray and using a litter that will absorb the odor. I use Yesterdays News and it works well at holding the pee odors.

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