Tuesday, August 24, 2010

How do give my rabbit a bath?

How would my 5 month old bunny get a bath?what would I need to do exactly. He is a adorable Dutch bunny who is very messy LOL. Please helpHow do give my rabbit a bath?
Bathing a rabbit is NOT recommended as rabbits are naturally clean animals. But if you must, here are the steps to bathing a rabbit without getting bite marks all over your hands.

^Steps^Lay out a towel in your bathtub. Then, start trickling the water and get someone to hold your little friend. Make sure the water is warm, but not hot. Rabbit skin is very sensitive--so be careful.

Leaving the bathtub unplugged, place your furry friend on the towel and make sure he/she doesn't escape. Do not place him/her under the water immediately. Start by using a shampoo specifically for small animals or kittens. Do NOT use human shampoo, not even baby shampoo! Gently massage the shampoo into the rabbits' fur. If he/she tries to bite you, don't be intimidated. Just continue to coat the


Wash the rabbit's body only and when finished, rinse him off with clear water. Until water runs clear. Avoid the rabbit's ears, nose and mouth.

Dry with a washcloth gently making sure not to rub or irritate his skin.

If your rabbits' fur stays wet long, they can get sick in a breeze. You may use a hair dryer, set on low to dry the rabbit. Remember to ONLY use small animal shampoo. Human and baby shampoo could really harm your rabbit. If this is a bunny, try putting it off until it is a little older.

@Tips@ Don't bathe your rabbit unless 110% necessary, as in when they've become sick and develop diarrhea, as it may stick in the fur. Rabbits clean themselves on a regular basis, so bathing should not be done.

Talk to your rabbit in a calm voice that can reassure the rabbit.

!!!!Warnings!!!! Do not submerge your rabbit!

Your rabbit may be annoyed at you for a while.

If not done properly, serious injuries can occur.

Rabbits can kick hard enough to break their own backs so don't scare them.

Rabbits are easily shocked and bathing them can be overly stressful, and can kill them. Only bathe your rabbit when it's absolutely necessary.How do give my rabbit a bath?
You shouldn't give a rabbit a bath. If the rabbit is dirty, you can spot clean with a damp cloth or a pet wipe.

If your rabbit cannot groom itself, you should probably go see a rabbit savvy vet as something is wrong. You should talk with a rabbit vet before you bathe a rabbit. They can help you to do it properly so you don't stress the rabbit too much.
Aww poor little man!

Don't feel bad about needing to bath him, experts oppinions vary as much as the rabbits like or dislike of baths does!

Definately do not use any shampoos etc which are made for human use..

Buy a shampoo for small animals such as Bob Martin My Little Friend shampoo....specially formulated for rabbits and other small animals.

First make sure that the recepticle you are going to use is only half full of lukewarm water (test this with your elbow...if it feels hot to your elbow add some cold water) and then bring your bunny to the bath.

Don't fill it up with the rabbit already in there or he/she will get frightened....and Don't put any shampoo in it.

Next hold your rabbit in a way that makes him/her feel safe and gently and slowly lower him into the water (back feet first), so that it understands that it is getting wet...Do not plunge it straight in as this will shock the rabbit and it may not forgive you for a long time!

Once the rabbit is in the water, gently pour some water over his back using your cupped hand....always keep the other hand in the water and close or stroking the rabbit so that it knows you are there...

Place a pea-sized blob of shampoo into your hand and rub onto the animals back etc ... then wash off with the cupped hand method as mentioned.

Once all the shampoo is removed, gently lift your pet out of the water and towel dry...

Leave the water in the bowl / sink until you have dried your rabbit and he is safely back in his cage as the sound of water going down a plug hole can be scarey to small animals.

Never Ever leave him in the water unsupervised and if possible have someone nearby so you can have help if you need it.

If he appears to be stressed by sitting in water then an alternative would be to take a wet face towel and use that instead...

Which ever method you decide on make sure he is properly dried off afterwards.

Never use a hair dryer on your rabbit as this can be very stressful...always towel dry gently.

Have Fun!

P.S...Wet Bunnies look adorable *Grin*
DO NOT give your rabbit a bath.

rabbits clean themselves, so it shouldnt be a problem. As for that right side, just take a damp towel and wash it every now and then, if he really cant groom it himself.

dont ever submerge a rabbit in water, though. they can clean themselves !

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